To show image from desktop folder to matlab image viewer
I=imread('C:\Users\Daffodil\Desktop\imread\zaki.jpg'); image(I)
then to convert YIQ value we need to write this line
and for converting rgb to hsv we need tghis line
To make it grayscale
B=rgb2gray(I); imshow(B);
For showing the size:
size(I); //outpput will be 300x205x3 height x width x byte ; it's for color image size(B); //output will be 300x205 height x width ; it's for grayscale image
For plotting in a matrix it follow subplot(m,n,p), imshow(X); format of 2×2 matrix 1 no. coloumn where p=1 and if p=2 then it will be plot in 2 no column
subplot(2,2,1), imshow(I); subplot(2,2,2), imshow(B);
For finding edges from grayscale image and plot in coloumn 3 using canny method
C=edge(B,'canny'); subplot(2,2,3), imshow(C);
For finding edges from grayscale image and plot in coloumn 4 using sobel method
D=edge(B,'sobel'); subplot(2,2,4), imshow(D);