Input format=integer
Output format=hours:minutes:seconds
1 minute =60 second
1hour = 60minute
1min = 60 second
60 min = 60*60=3600 seconds
3600 second=1hour
1 second=1/3600 hour
556 second=556*1/3600 hour
3600 second =60 minute
1 second = 60/3600 minute
556 second = 60/3600 * 556 minute
Here, in this case in finding minute we also have to use remainder because it is the portionate part of hour so the formula will be n%3600*60
556 second = 556 % 60 because second is the part of seconds and we want to find out the seconds so in this case we have to use remainder
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> int main(){ int n,h,m,s; scanf("%d",&n); h=n/3600; m=n%3600/60; s=n%60; printf("%d:%d:%d\n",h,m,s); return 0; }