What is pointer?
Pointer is actually a variable which points to another variable by address not value
notation is simple just a asterisk before the variable name
int live=20;
int *zaki=&live; //here i am pointing *zaki to a variable address of live
so *zaki is a pointer
now we want to print what actually shows
if we write these line
printf(“zaki = %d”,*zaki);
Output will be: 20 //the value of live
And if we print
printf(“zaki = %d”,zaki);
Output will be: 2686744 //the address of memory location of the variable live
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int live=20; int *zaki=live; printf("zaki = %d",*zaki); return 0; }
Another example from subeen vaia’s book:
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int x = 10; int *p; p=&x; cout<<"value of x: "<<x<<endl; *p=20; cout<<"value of x:"<<x<<endl; cout<<"address of x:"<<&x<<endl; cout<<"value of p:"<<p<<endl; return 0; }