By thinking 24 hr++ I have solved this problem.I got guidance from my friend M.H Riyad also..He discussed and showed me how to solve this problem easily..Thank you dost for your kindness đ
Here is my code it is accepted..Alhamdulillah đ
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int person,budget,hotel,weeks,i,j,bed,price,cost; int aray[10000],length; while(cin>>person>>budget>>hotel>>weeks) { length=0; for(i=1; i<=hotel; i++) { cin>>price; for(j=1; j<=weeks; j++) { cin>>bed; if(bed>=person) { cost=person*price; if(cost<=budget) aray[length++]=cost; } } } if(length==0) { puts("stay home"); } else { sort(aray,aray+length); cout<<aray[0]<<endl; } } return 0; }