Create a structure named Product with following two fields-
1. name (string)
2. price (double)
Then create a function named printProductInfo() which takes a parameter of Product type and print the information of that Product. Finally, in main function create a variable of structure Product named myProduct and call the printProductInfo() function passing myProduct as the parameter.
#include<stdio.h> struct Product{ char name[20]; double price; }; void printProductInfo(struct Product *pp){ printf("Enter name: "); scanf(" %[^\n]",&pp->name); printf("Enter price: "); scanf(" %lf",&pp->price); } void printER(struct Product ppp){ printf("name: %s\n",; printf("Enter price: %.2lf\n",ppp.price); } int main() { struct Product p; printProductInfo(&p); printER(p); return 0; }