code for exercise :
#a library(arules) data(Groceries) Groceries #b myrules=apriori(Groceries) inspect(myrules) #c myrules=apriori(Groceries,parameter=list(supp=0.05,conf=0.05)) #d inspect(myrules) myrules=apriori(Groceries,parameter=list(minlen=2)) #e myrules=apriori(Groceries,parameter=list(minlen=1)) inspect(myrules) #f myrules=apriori(Groceries,parameter=list(supp=0.01,conf=0.01,minlen=3)) #g inspect(myrules[20]) #answer lift value: Used to judge the strength of the association rule #if lift value is greater than> 1 some usefulness in that rule #the larger the lift is the greater is the strength of the association # #h cc=sort(myrules,by="lift") inspect(cc[1:10]) #i hh=subset(myrules,subset=lhs %pin% "pork" & lift>1.2) #pin is using as matching function to match character inspect(hh)