– Earth is a software application where human and other thing is software objects.For creating object we need to create a human class. Humans have basic behaviors as well as some basic attributes age height inches etc.
package Prerequisite_OOP; public class Human { String name; int age; int heightInInches; String eyeColor; public Human(){ } public void speak(){ System.out.println("Hello, my name is"+name); System.out.println("I am"+heightInInches+" inches tall"); System.out.println("i am "+age+" years old"); System.out.println("My eye color is "+eyeColor); } public void eat(){ System.out.println("Eating..."); } public void walk(){ System.out.println("Walking..."); } public void work(){ System.out.println("Working"); } }
package Prerequisite_OOP; public class Earth { public static void main(String[] args) { Human tom; tom=new Human(); tom.speak(); tom.age=5; tom.eyeColor="Blue"; tom.heightInInches=72;"Tom Zsabo"; tom.speak(); } }