Category: C
Create a structure named Product with following two fields- 1. name (string) 2. price (double) Then create…
Problem 81: Struct GPA Create a simple structure named Student that holds the following variables- i. id…
code: #include<stdio.h> typedef union { double weight; int size; char color[10]; } Description; typedef struct { int…
code: #include<stdio.h> typedef enum { SUN,MON,TUES,WED=70,THURS=80,FRI,SAT } days_of_week; typedef enum { FALSE,TRUE }Boolean; Boolean isEven(int n){ if(n%2==0)…
code: #include<stdio.h> typedef struct { int roll; char name[20]; double gp; double phy,chem,math; }sTudent; void inputStudent(sTudent *sp)…
code: #include<stdio.h> typedef struct { int roll; char name[20]; double gp; } sTudent; void inputStudent(sTudent *sp) {…
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