Category: PHP
bool setcookie(string name[,striung value[,int expire[,string path, string domain[, string secure]]]]) <?php if(!isset($_COOKIE[‘ordering’])){ setcookie(“Ordering”,$_POST[‘ChangeOrdering’],time()+31536000); } ?> <form method=”POST”…
Download Whole Scripts Create Operation insert.php <?php require(“dbconfig.php”); if(count($_POST)>0) { $sql=”INSERT INTO usersinfo (username,password,firstname,lastname) VALUES (‘”.$_POST[“username”].”‘,'”.$_POST[“password”].”‘,'”.$_POST[“firstname”].”‘,'”.$_POST[“lastname”].”‘) “;…
Reference: Object Oriented PHP for Beginners: Page 4
This is an opensource project by me and final release is version 1.0.1 till now. Description: First… Reference: code: <?php // API access key from Google API’s Console define( ‘API_ACCESS_KEY’, ‘the…
I tried to built this system from youtube videos and by searching net. I am sharing the…
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