Category: LICT
19.11.17 Videos: Relationships: Inheritance, Association, Aggregation and Composition These are except that inheritance From the slide: Association:…
16/11/2017 vids ExtensionMethod Object Initializer CollectionInitializer QueryExpression – It contains three clauses from, where, orderby Linq IEnumerable…
MVC Part: Controller getting input. ApplicationManagement video was so important In Controller Folder HomeController.Cs is a…
09/11/2017 vids Property: using System; namespace LinqOperators { class Student { private int Sid; private string sname;…
07.11.17 Vids DataAdapater vs DataReader: SqlDataReader row by row executes from the table ExecuteReader() always executes the…
10.12.17: (This is one of the important videos) AuthenticateLogic is very very important for project works: also…
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